Our Committee 2016
The Gaelic Dragons committee is an elected group of Gaelic Dragon members who not only paddle, but perform much of the background work necessary to keep the Gaelic Dragons team paddling smoothly (get it?!).
Each member of the committee is nominated by a peer and elected for a one year term at the Gaelic Dragons Annual General Meeting (AGM), traditionally held in early February. To serve on the committee, you must be a current financial member who has been paddling with the Gaelic Dragons for at least 6 months prior to election.
PRESIDENTAs President, Jacqui is the official representative of the Gaelic Dragons. It’s her job to make sure the Gaelic Dragons committee is performing up to par. She also has the final word in committee decisions and ensures that the committee (and sometimes our boat) stays on course. |
CAPTAINWhen not paddling, the Gaelics like nothing more than getting together to enjoy some craic! When it comes to organising all our fun non-paddling events, Richard is the man! He is also the Dance Commando not just for the Gaelics, but for the Singapore Barbarian. |
SECRETARYWhen not riding in the tail of a dragon boat Nuala is a professional excel jockey. She has put his skills to good use in maintaining team training records and helping keep the committee organized with the power of spreadsheets. Get your cell marked ‘present’ at practice and earn your position on the starting block come race day. |
TREASURERMaxime Colange |